Love Always Wins.... 💕

Sometimes I struggle to REALLY know what I want. I *think* I know, but once I peel back the layers of the onion, I realize that what I *thought* I wanted was just the tip of the iceberg.

As we do a deeper dive into 2023, I am going to focus on becoming super clear on what my intentions are. As you remember, last month we talked about intentions vs. goals or resolutions... well, now it's about getting 100% clarity on what those intentions truly are and WHY.

I'll admit, this is always really hard for me. Just when I think I've got it, something sneaks in and challenges me to think a bit differently. And I am not always happy about it! Sometimes I just want to BE DONE ALREADY and MOVE ON!!! But I know in my heart of hearts, when I am willing to SLOW DOWN and TAKE THE TIME to REFLECT, FEEL and ACCEPT THE PROCESS then I am 100% better off in the long run.

I invite you to join me on this journey towards CLARITY. It will be FUN! We will do it together, supporting each other one step at a time.

And if you happen to want or need extra support, consider participating in February's The Monthly Collective conversation with Rob Fenty. Rob is a business strategist and consultant who specializes in helping companies (and people, too!) get absolute clarity on what their visions are to explode their growth, mindset and well being.

Want a useful, and much appreciated way to show your honey some Valentine’s Day love? A clean house is like gold. 🧹

Cheers to the New Year! 🥂

I am so excited for what each new year brings: aspiration, possibility, change, challenge, bigger dreams and brighter futures. This year is no different. According to Chinese culture, 2023 is the year of the Rabbit, and predicts to be a year of hope. The sign of Rabbit is a symbol of longevity, peace, and prosperity. What a beautiful intention for our new year!

Speaking of intentions, most of us begin each year with new year's resolutions. We have specific goals in mind and are eager and driven to make them happen. Oftentimes, however, these goals fall short and are not achieved. Life happens, right? Well, here is a twist to consider.

What if, instead of setting new goals for the new year, we set INTENTIONS instead? Intentions enable us to create ENERGY around our dreams and desires, which raises our VIBRATIONS in the universe. This helps us create MOMENTUM as we move through our daily lives, towards those things we desire.

Yes, it's a bit "woo woo", but for me, it allows me to focus on making attitude and mindset adjustments, which then allows me to see things more clearly and with greater clarity. This, in turn, paves the path to achieving those things that I truly desire.

May your year be full of hope, longevity, peace, and prosperity. And long live the rabbit! 🐰

It’s still chilly outside so let’s keep cleaning on the inside! 🧹