We Made It Through Q1!

Spring is coming!

With the March 21 equinox right around the corner, I find myself revving up for the fresh energy that spring brings. Springtime is also a rush of newness: new buds on the flowers and trees, the birds, butterflies and BEES (oh my!) that will soon frequent our yards again, the baby lambs, calves and kids hopping around the fields... so much to look forward to!! It is my favorite time of year. It's also a time when most of us are gearing up for an uptick in business as new energy invites us to switch things up a bit.

While there is so much to appreciate with what spring brings us, there is also a lot to filter and consider: is the new year what I anticipated? Am I approaching my personal and professional life the way I intended? Are outside stressors getting the better of me? This is the perfect time to do a quick mental audit of what the first quarter of the year has been and figure out next steps for the upcoming months ahead.

I invite you to enjoy the shift! Embrace whatever comes your way and whatever changes you decide to make--and trust yourself to make the right decisions. Delight in the fresh opportunities that present themselves and know that each challenge is a chance to experience something new. Listen to your body and know she will always guide you in the right direction.

Now get out there and get it!!

End Q1 with a bang! …. and a super clean house. Check out the tips below to ensure you’re keeping up with your home. 🧹